John Browning
約翰·摩西·勃朗寧(John Moses Browning)或翻成約翰·白朗寧(1855年1月21日或1月23日生-1926年11月26日亡)是美國的槍械設計師,他曾經設計過許多種類的槍支、子彈、火砲,且許多作品現在還被廣泛使用。他可以說是近現代自動武器的重要人物,並自1879年10月7日以降共取得了128項槍械專利。
Production examples of the Browning single-shot caught the attention of the Winchester Repeating Arms Company who dispatched a representative to evaluate the competition. Winchester bought the design and moved production to their Conneticut factory. From 1883, Browning worked in partnership with Winchester and designed a series of rifles and shotguns, most notably the Winchester Model 1887 and Model 1897 shotguns and the lever-action Model 1886, Model 1892, Model 1894 and Model 1895 rifles, most of which are still in production today in some form.
FN M1910手槍可以説是勃朗寧設計中得到最聲名狼藉的槍械。1914年時加夫里若·普林西普使用.380 ACP手槍刺殺奧匈帝國皇位繼承人費迪南大公夫婦。此事件可説是第一次世界大戰的導火線。這把手槍已經在2004年被發現。
1926年11月26日勃朗寧在列日其子瓦爾的辦公室中死於心臟衰竭,當時他正在研發一FN自動手槍。這支9mm自動手槍最後在1935年被比利時設計師迪厄多內·塞弗完成,被稱爲FN GP35,但它有個更普遍的稱呼那就是勃朗寧大威力自動手槍。而勃朗寧最後一個槍械設計則是立式獵槍的雙扳機結構,而改善版的單一扳機結構則在稍後被他的兒子瓦爾完成。
- M1895 Colt-Browning machine gun
- Colt Model 1897
- FN Browning M1899/M1900
- Colt Model 1900
- Colt Model 1902
- Colt Model 1903 Pocket Hammer (.38 ACP)
- Colt Model 1903 Pocket Hammerless (.32 ACP)
- Colt Model 1905, the first .45 ACP
- Remington Model 8 (1906), a long recoil semi-automatic rifle
- Colt Model 1908 Vest Pocket (.25 ACP)
- Colt Model 1908 Pocket Hammerless (.380 ACP)
- FN Model 1910
- U.S. Model 1911, the first .45 ACP military handgun
- Winchester Model 1886 lever-action repeating rifle
- Winchester Model 1887 lever-action repeating shotgun
- Winchester Model 1890 slide-action repeating rifle (.22)
- Winchester Model 1892 lever-action repeating rifle
- Winchester Model 1894 lever-action repeating rifle
- Winchester Model 1895 lever-action repeating rifle
- Winchester Model 1897 pump-action repeating shotgun
- Browning Auto-5 long recoil semi-automatic shotgun
- U.S. Model 1917 water-cooled machine gun
- Model 1919 air-cooled machine gun
- Browning Automatic Rifle (BAR) of 1917
- Browning M2 .50-caliber heavy machine gun of 1921
- The Browning Hi-Power, the last pistol that John Browning developed
- The Superposed over/under shotgun was designed by John Browning in 1922 and entered production in 1931